Tuesday, January 12, 2010

DAY TWELVE- January 12, 2010

You know you care about people when you look them in the eyes when they speak and you give them time to speak. Just had to throw that out there. I subbed for an elementary teacher a while back because we were out early and she wanted to go watch the state football game. I noticed when the little kids all came in from recess to see who their sub was, they looked me right in the eyes-- each one of them as they came in single file. They were looking to see if I cared. I could feel it. Bless their little hearts. And when they talked, they looked straight at you. So, the next day when I went back to my own class (of teenagers) I thought "I'm going to wait at the door and see how many look me in the eyes, but more importantly, I'm going to look them in the eyes when I talk to them." What a learning lesson that was! It's not just that teenagers stop caring; it's that we don't expect them to. If we take the time to look for it, they still want us to see inside and they want to know someone cares. I challenge you (okay all two of you)to take more time to look in the eyes of those you meet each day in your journey of daily life and really pause as you do it. Oh, and listen (with your eyes) after you ask them how they are, etc.
Okay, so had an away game. Packed the healthy spinach salad. It was a long night with this week being finals so I know all the kids are dragging. I'm dragging. I'm glad I finally went and got Erica's stuff that she mailed so I can try fizz tabs and bath soaks. I've never heard of Arbonne, but if Coach Erica wants me to try it, I'm gonna do it. I'll try the Pilates DVD too, but tonight, I'm going straight to bed.

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