Wednesday, March 3, 2010

DAY SIXTY TWO Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What a busy day. English muffins on the brain... I've added them into my food list for both breakfast and toasted oven sandwiches. I had spaghetti and salad for lunch along with fresh fruit and veggies for snacks. My daughter made some crockpot chicken and we had cottage cheese and baked potato with it, so we're saving the lobster for tomorrow (and the menu with a few changes since I posted it so late). Sorry again. :) Just always get in your grains, fruits, greens, and some protein. Remember one of the biggest places we add pointless calories is in the drinks we add to all our eating. I've also learned that it's both better for you and lower in calories to make things like homemade cookies and muffins than it is to eat a candy bar. Do your crunches every night in bed too.

It was grandkid night again. We didn't do the Wiggles Workout this time (see the side column under "exercises") because we took them to see the "Frog and the Princess" at the movies. One of them always falls asleep. Sometimes I look at my grandkids and it's a surreal moment because you just think "these are my grandkids... that woman sitting with them is my baby." It just goes so fast. Sometimes, in my heart, I am still 16... just for a moment and I can't believe where I am today. I am very blessed. My husband made it home safely and will be making "Papa Kiester's" cookies for our last team lunch tomorrow. I will splurge and have one (especially since it's Thursday... which means get up early and do my 20 minute shoot around at our gym). I know I'll work it off. He also brought my bike down with him, so I'm looking forward to trying it out this weekend. Life is good and I need to get to bed.

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