Monday, March 15, 2010

DAY SEVENTY FOUR- Healthier Eathing Journal

Boy, I just keep learning. The more I learn, the more I realize what an unhealthy path I was headed down. People always say, well my dad, or my grandpa used to slap his butter on thick and eat his ice cream and pie every night and he lived to be 95. Well, that may be true. My grandpa did that (and smoked) and was well into his 80's BUT he also didn't set around watching T.V. or working on a computer or at a desk every day. He was outside from sun up to sun down. And he wasn't sitting on machinery most of the time either. He walked and lifted and carried, and shoveled and just rarely sat around. I'm not that active any more.

One of my former players said her and her new husband (they're newlyweds) were concerned about saturated fat because he watched a show that said that 2% milk had more saturated fat in it than French fries. Okay, well that's making things a bit more drastic than they are (yes, med. French fries have 2.7 g for 4 oz and 8 oz. of 2% milk has like 3.1) but French fries has double the calories. 1 cup (8 oz.) 2% milk= 122 calories. Med. Fry (4.1 oz.)= 380 calories. Still, it got me thinking about the "bad fats" v. good fats and I started reading. I read that women naturally store the bad fats more than men "just in case" we need it to have babies... great. We really do need to pay attention to saturated fat content because that's what leads to high cholesterol and clogged arteries.

For example, forget "lite" labels and focus on fat-free. Avoid Coconut... it's the devil. Nuts and peanut butter.... sparingly. Avacados and olives.... very sparingly. Eggs (egg yolks) 2 per week (I'm crying here). Red meat 3 times per week (that's fine). Avoid breaded and deep fried items. Boil and broil instead of frying. Skim milk, not the other stuff. Ice cream and store bought pies, donuts, and cookies are all no-no's. You have a lot more control over content when you make stuff at home and can reduce both the sugar and the fat in food when you prepare it yourself with healhty eating in mind.

I had oatmeal this morning with berries for breakfast. I had my Lean Cuisine frozen dinner and an apple for lunch. The dinner had chicken, veggies, and pasta. Was doing great till I got home from work and saw the chocolate bundt cake still sitting there. Okay, a few slices left. The pregnant lady did not polish it off. I had a skinny slice to hold me over till the bball banquet. When I got to the banquet it was all pasta dishes and desserts. Not good. I scanned until I found a rebel rice dish and took a cup of rice. Then I found some cucumbers and tomatoes mixed in a pasta salad and scooped a few free (without pasta). No, I didn't ruin the dish; I just took a few. The desserts all looked sinfully loaded with calories but my plate was looking like someone on a diet, so I added a thin slice (probably 1/4 cup) of jello with a cream cheese top on it. When I got home I ate some wheatables. 1g of fat in 14 of them and 140 calories. They were really good. I've never had them before. They filled the remaining emptiness in my stomach (that and a water bottle). Next time I need to plan better backup snacks (healthier). Still, I didn't exceed 1200 calories. I need to pay better attention to fat content and the type of fat.

Thanks for making me think Nan. The clock is saying it's almost 11:30, but I know it's not quite 10:30. Unfortunately the alarm says another story, so I better do my crunches and get to bed.

Great Web Site about Bad Fats and Food Chart:

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