Attended graduation today and it gave me flashbacks to my own graduation day. How many people can say they walked down the graduation aisle with their future husband? That was in 1980 and here we are-- still together-- still in love. We've weathered many storms, but experienced far more blessings and times of happiness. We've supported each other and encouraged each other to strive for our dreams and reach our potential. Together we have sacrificed and grown. The fact that we have accomplished many of our goals and realized much of our individual potential is a testament to the type of marriage we have. Though far from perfect we are unselfish in that we strive to help each other realize the fullness of our potential as individuals as well as a couple. We also strive to keep God a cornerstone of our life and marriage.
Today, before we headed to the graduation, we had time to hit a few yard sales. We hit the jackpot on the first yard sale. Scored an electric Wok in excellent condition. The husband thought he was funny when he told Jason that it came with the book-- 20 Ways to Wok Your Dog. :0 Also had a ton of Transformers and a Princess chair (the round framed ones that cost some ridiculous amount in the stores). Got it for $2.00. Got a whole bag of Lego Transformers at another yard sale for $1.00. Oh and curtains still in the bag for 50 cents and hi-top tennies for $1.00. Some cute clothes for 50 cents each. The list goes on. Didn't have much time, but made a haul. Today we got a lot in a short amount of time.
Jas and Anne met us and we had them pick up another score I made on Craig's List last night. A Shelf/Hutch unit for $10. I thought it must be cheap for that price and told the husband not to get it if it was. The people lived not too far from us, so he went and looked. Had Jas bring the truck to pick it up today. It was a very unusual piece and awesome. Jas and Anne loved it and took it home for their office. We also stopped by an old bridge and took some impromptu pictures with them. Their little family is growing. It makes me happy to see them happy.
And thank you Anne for helping Jason realize his potential by encouraging, lifting him up, and supporting him in his dreams and goals. These are trying times-- especially for beginning teachers and it'd be easy to be worried and upset and cause more discouragement, but it is refreshing to see that you show support and respect instead. That's what it takes to not only make a marriage work, but to allow each other to grow both individually and as a couple. Baby Maddi was quite the cutie today too.
Just as there is so much beauty in an old, rusty bridge that has weathered many storms-- there is so much beauty in a love that has weathered its own storms. :D
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