Well yesterday morning the grandkids who spent the night were to be back home fairly bright and early, but we got a little sidetracked. They saw yard-sale signs. With only a few dollars to spend I didn't think it'd take long or they'd get much, but we hit some doozers. The first one, just about everything was 25cents. And of course yard-saling with Rellie is always an adventure. The child is always oblivious to who or what is around him but he has major focus on what HE wants to do. Sometimes that focus is so intense he doesn't even pay attention to his feet. He falls all the time and he biffed it in my school pulling his suitcase and instead of letting go of the suitcase held on and hit his poor little face on the floor. Ow! I was so upset at myself for not watching him closer as he walked! He bit his lip and bloodied his nose. He was so tough though. I was ready to take him to the doctor and take him to see his mom but he wanted to go to grandma's house. And, when he saw his cousins, you'd never guessed he just biffed it an hour earlier. I watched him like a hawk, and other than touching his lip sometimes, he did great. High pain tolerance-- which could be bad.
So back to the yard-sale. He hears someone ask the lady in charge how much something was that was on the table he was looking at so he yells, "Hey, how much are the clowns?" I scan the table quickly for clowns. Nope. "Where?" He points to Raggedy Ann and Andy. Okay..... "Rellie, those aren't clowns." Reply: "Oh. Hey, how much are those bikes?" The lady tells them those aren't for sale, those are just her kids' bikes. "Oh, you should put them up," he says. Alrighty then. We talk about not being so loud and move him away from the bikes. I turn around and he's wearing a purse. "Rellie, why are you wearing a purse?" Reply: "My mom wants a purse. They're for girls." I tell him no and he puts them up. Mandy, you can thank me later. Trust me. Not to be outdone, Tucker finds a pair of Nike basketball shoes that he really likes. And.... they're very nice. Unfortunately they're about 3 inches too big. "How much are these?" he asks the lady. "Quarter." His face lights up. I explain it could be a year or two before he could even wear them. "I can just save them and grow in to them grandma," he says with a smile as he puts them on the cashier's table. She smiles too. Okay. It's a quarter. He gets them.
Daisha finds a very sparkly green scarf and cute little baby shoes for baby Abby. At the next yard sale we have to pry Rellie off the go-kart and he does find some toys he likes. Did I mention I was lugging around the 40 pound one year old (Kayson-- aka "chubby"). So yeah, I was done.
So today we had our primary activity. So much going on there. I got there early to set everything up and had planned on about 60 kids based on what people told me (that only half would come), but had made stuff for 80 being hopeful. Had about 90 and boy was it a lively morning. We had 13 stations (everything from hula-hoop to Scripture Study) and 90 kids under the age of 12. Thank goodness for great volunteers and teachers to help out!! We survived. No one was injured. All children were claimed. Some parents may be scarred by my style (not sure they're used to hearing whistles blown or primary presidents playing shipwrecked with 90 kids, but like I said, we all survived). Gave out a lot of school supplies and had lots of help from my family and hubby as well.
After the activity we went and checked the garden at the auntie's and picked more corn and cucumbers. Delivered a bunch to some families and then bathed Rellie and Chubby before they had to head home. I am sure they will sleep like rocks tonight after the active day they've had. I know I will! I am pooped! Tomorrow it's BBQ with the aunties then get ready for my first day back to work.
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