Sunday, August 28, 2011

Short Weekends and Long Weeks

So I was walking down the hall with my students and one them comes over and walks with me down for the student photos and he says, "Did you say your husband was at another school?" I nod. "Yes." Now, knowing my husband was the principal over freshmen and this kids is now a sophomore I'm thinking, "Great, this kid must have spent some time in the principal's office last year and transferred here to get out of trouble."
"I had him for class," he tells me.
"What?" I try to correct him, "You mean he came in your class?"
"No. He was my teacher."
"What did he teach?"
"Oh.... that's not my husband."
"Oh? Well then I had your brother."
"Bless you child, but that is my son."
"Shut up! You're not old enough to have a son that old!"

So I share that story not to make J-bob feel bad (the balding makes him more mature looking than his age) or Jeremy feel better... but because it made ME feel better amidst my very long week.

Overall, the students were really great this past week and I am excited to teach them and get to know them better.
I am excited for Jason and his new job. What an opportunity! And with a new addition to their family, even more blessings are coming their way. We are so glad Anne and Baby Abbi are both finally home. I am excited for Jeremy as he finishes his final semester and as they watch their business grow and prosper as well as their family that's growing up so quickly. I am excited for my daughter as she adds a new little life to her family and watches her little boys grow into big boys. Kayson went from walking to running in the same week I swear! I am excited that my brother will be home from Iraq very soon.

I have been watching the yellowing of summer. At the first of summer I'm so tired of the cold. When is it going to be warm. The first rays of summer are savored like a delicate drizzle of chocolate goodness. Then, if you eat too much chocolate... it loses it's specialness and makes you fat. Well, same with the heat. Only it makes you sweat (not fat). As I was driving along the fields I witnessed what I call the "yellowing of summer" around me. The corn tassels paint a layer of speckled white and the ready-to-harvest wheat blankets entire sections. Pumpkins and squash are changing from green to yellows and oranges and you can almost feel the coming crispiness in the air even though it's stifling hot. Stubbled fields are signs of yielding up the green of summer and clearing for a cooler, barren time. I can feel fall even as I put on the sunblock and wish for cooler nights.

And so... just like that.. I am ready for summer to go on vacation and fall to slow me down and bring back inside.

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