when all through the house,
the grandkids were as A.D.D. as any little mouse!
The i-pad was propped on the foldout with care,
In hopes that bedtime would soon be there.
Finally children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of transformers danced in their heads.
And mem with her laptop, and papa acting groovy,
Had just settled in from taking them to the movie.
When out on the foldout there arose such a clatter,
Mem sprang from her bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the living room she flew like a flash,
To find little Kayson makin’ a mad dash.
Quickly she caught him and papa set out
to put him to sleep although he did pout.
Then, what to their wondering eyes should appear,
But another crying baby, wanting sissy to sleep near.
With six little grandkids, so lively and quick,
they knew in a moment they’d have to use all their tricks.
More rapid than Power Rangers each request came,
Until papa shouted, and called them each by name!
"Now Daisha! now, Tucker! now, Bryton and Rellie!
Oh, Kayson! Oh Jilly! Now someone is smelly!
To your bed! To your bed and close your little eyes
Think of turkey and stuffing and all kinds of pies.
As the night settled in and the turkey was baking,
The morning hours were slowly awaking.
So up to the house-curb the paperboy flew,
With newspapers full of Toys, and great coupons too.
And then, in a twinkling, mem and papa heard even more
The prancing and pawing of little feet by their door.
Though they had barely settled in for the night,
The sun was now shining its “Good Morning” light!
Papa was tired, from his head to his feet,
And he could have been cranky when he got up to meet.
each darling grandchild now clearly awake,
but instead he just said, “Who wants pancakes?”
His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His lips were drawn up like Elvis and he started to sing,
For in our house Papa is king.
He cooked them pancakes and mem scrambled eggs,
He played some music and away danced their legs.
Until Tucker remembered it was Thanksgiving day,
And the newspaper needed collected from where it quietly lay!
He was anxious and nervous as mem brought it in,
So many ads, so many toys he didn’t know where to begin!
but with a wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
“Not till after breakfast!” was all Papa said.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And flipped all the pancakes, then said with a smirk,
“Did you see that new Transformer toy in the Walmart ad?”
Tucker gasped and Mem said papa was bad
Then papa sprang to his feet, and gave a merry whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
“Now share the ads and don’t get them in your plate. It was your grandma who wanted you to wait.”
Well I became a statistic this summer. Eating out too much has made me gain back some weight. The husband has spoiled me way too much and we've been eating out too much. I have done some things well this summer though. I have reconnected with cousins and other family members, spent time with friends, and made some trips that were enjoyable and relaxing. I have taken the time to smell the roses and see the sunrises. Now if I can just cut back on the sweets during all this happiness! :D
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